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- 40% Delta 8 THC

- 40% Delta 9 THC

- 10% CBD 

- 10% Terpenes


Delta-8 vs. delta-9 THC: What’s the difference?


Delta-8, like delta-9 (regular THC), binds to the body’s endocannabinoid system, which causes you to feel high. Chemically, delta-8 and delta-9 are similar in that they both have a double bond in their structures. This double bond is thought to produce the intoxicating effects that make you feel high. 


The two THCs are chemically different in the placement of the double bond. Both cannabinoids have a chain of carbon atoms, but delta-8 has the double bond on the eighth carbon, whereas delta-9 has it on the ninth. 
Delta-8 binds to the endocannabinoid system in a slightly different fashion because of the location of its double bond. This is what is thought to make delta-8 much less potent than regular THC. However, more research needs to be done on delta-8 and how it interacts with the body.


Will delta-8 get you high?
Delta-8 will get you high, albeit not as high as common delta-9 THC. For those living in states where cannabis is illegal, delta-8 may be a legal way to experience some THC-like effects from cannabis.


Some consumers may even prefer cannabis products that aren’t as strong as common THC, even if they can legally obtain THC products. THC can cause negative effects for some, bringing on anxiety or paranoia. Delta-8 may offer a smoother, milder high.
Leafly’s Dante Jordan tried delta-8 THC and described it as a lighter, more energizing high than traditional delta-9 THC. “Yes, delta-8 definitely gets you high,” he wrote, “but it was a lighter high than I’m accustomed to from smoking joints, taking dabs, and eating regular edibles.”

THC Vape Cartridge 8-NINE-10

R1 090,00Price
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