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Mix it up with Leafolo.


  • 100% Organic, nicotine free tobacco alternative.
  • Terpene - infused herbal mixer. 
  • Ideal for mixing with cannabis.
  • Crafted from healing african bontanicals.
  • Hand harvested and sustainably sourced.


Leafolo African herbal blends are used as a smoking mix for a healthier alternative to tobacco and they can aslso be brewed into a tea. 

The flavorings and unique plants orginating from Southern Africa have distinct medicinal properties and healing benefits and are steeped in traditional Afircan medicine.

They have a delicate aroma and provide a smooth and interesting experiance.


Lions Tail- Good for inducing a calm and relaxed state, elevating one's mood.Lions Tail, a plant from Southern Afroca. Can decrease anxitiety and stress and is known to cause a mild eurphoric effect.  

Leafolo Lions Tail (Leonotis Leonurus)


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