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Leafolo Kanna (Sceletium Tortusum)


Nestled in a small picturesque tourist town called Clarens in the eastern Free State, lies a quaint establishment, unlike any other in the region.


A small store with big dreams, a ton of experience & the will to always holistically changing lives, with natural ingredients.

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The Story of Clarens 1st CBD Dispensary & Cannabis Café

Welcome to Neked, Clarens first CBD dispensary and Cannabis Cafe. (*come for a visit & a coffee)

Every magical place has a unique and equally magical story, and Neked is no exception.


Did you ever hear the story of “that Businesswoman who rode kaal gat through Clarens on a white horse?” Well, that’s Vanessa Jarvis Findlay, Founder & Co Owner of Neked, Cannabis Activist and the beginning of our story.

Who is Vanessa Jarvis Findlay?

Vanessa is our Cannabis Social Justice Warrior Lady Godiva!

After going through a few major traumatic events in her life, Vanessa decided to relocate from the Cape Wine lands in August 2019.  This was step one.
Vanessa had visited Clarens a few years prior and was encapsulated by its beauty and connection to nature. If she couldn’t heal in this small, beautiful town, then what hope was there? So, mentally and emotionally broken, she lay down roots.

Turns out, Clarens was the perfect place for Vanessa and after a few torturous months, she began to feel better.

She started creating art again and continued on her self-healing journey including Cannabis, Music, Art, Nature and LOVE. After a few months, the entrepreneur in Vanessa started to make a reappearance.

Combining her business know-how, her personal journey and the grace of God, Vanessa opened Neked.

Neked is an extension of Vanessa herself, it is a place of healing, a space of acceptance and understanding.  It’s about finding light in the darkness and a huge celebration of life.


NEKED & Famous

Vanessa is an advocate for the use of Cannabis and CBD products for healing.


Through her personal experiences with this natural plant helping her heal anxiety, PTSD, cancer as well as the success of those around her in the cannabis community, Vanessa decided to move from advocate to activist.


Being able to heal oneself any way you choose should be a right, not a criminal or stigmatised offence.

Opening up a CBD dispensary in one of South Africa’s most conservative towns is a risky move for any entrepreneur, but Vanessa believed that if she could make it work and break down the stigma surrounding CBD and cannabis in old school Clarens, then she could do it anywhere.

Neked offers the finest quality and impeccable consistency of products but most importantly, we offer our expertise with hundreds of years of combined experience on using CBD and cannabis through a variety of ailments and diseases.


The Neked store is filled with exciting products and merchandise including KOI CBD and Elixinol CBD Products.

Nieuwsbrief NEKED Club

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